Since I resigned from my job and began to seriously try to find out what I want and what makes me feel good, so much great things has happened in my life. I have been given space to be creative, which is something that I love to be. I have made sure to collect information that will help me move forward.
My senses are open to new possibilities, and it is quite powerful to see what occurs when you are receptive and really take in what is happening around you. New, rewarding, contacts have emerged. Old contacts have been reconnected. A small initiative that I took has formed a chain reaction and become something bigger. I have developed and challenged my inner self and learned more about myself than in a long time.
It is so exciting to listen to your heart and your passions and let body and action follow. To be curious and stand with open arms welcoming what may happen next. When you think less about how you are perceived and more about just experiencing life and being your true self.
Have you also tried this? If so, what was your insights? If not, then I recommend you to take a step, even if it’s just a small one. One step that is solely for you. And I’m happy to cheer you on when you do it, if you want me to!
