There is a rather popular saying that "you should keep your friends close and your enemies even closer". I understand the essence of it, that by doing so you have a view over what they are doing and can protect yourself. However, I believe that it is instead usually best to stay away from those who wants to harm me.
These are my reasons why:
Enemies will gladly give you malicious comments that will make you doubt your own capacity and can by that disrupt your focus, your creativity and your confidence.
Enemies will not let you know that you have a piece of beetroot on your chin just before you shall go up on stage to hold a speech. By that I mean that enemies rarely gives you advice that will help you succeed and improve yourself.
When you surround yourself with enemies, you get the feeling that you have to guard your tongue and therefore it can be hard for you to be yourself and live up to your full potential.
Enemies lie and conspire and by doing so they can cause you to doubt yourself and the situations that you are in.
You can often get physical problems such as stomach pain, headaches and stiff muscles by surrounding yourself with negative energy.
Enemies often thrive when they can play the victim and they easily make you become the culprit, making you question your personality and your skills.
Enemies rarely keep their promises and gives you unpleasant surprises, which you then are left to solve on your own.
If you instead focus on surrounding yourself with people who support you, are loyal, trustworthy and shows you respect, then I am sure that you will feel much more content and happy and then in your turn send out more loving energy to those around you.
Wish you all a nice day!